DesignFiles & SideDoor Integration: Earn 30% Hassle-Free


We’re super excited to finally announce our new integration with SideDoor. 

If you love the idea of being able to scale back (or even eliminate) managing product orders but also don’t want to lose out on the income you earn from trade discounts and mark-ups, our new integration could be the turn key solution you’ve been looking for. 

If you’re not familiar with SideDoor and what they offer, here’s a quick rundown:

SideDoor is an online marketplace where designers can source hundreds of thousands of products from top trade only brands without having to apply for dozens of individual accounts,  meet minimums or jump through needless hoops. 

But on top of that, what we really love about SideDoor is that you can create shoppable collections that you can share directly with your clients, blog readers, and social media followers. You earn an average of 30% on all orders and SideDoor handles all of the coordination and delivery of the products to your client.

And with our new integration, it means you’ll be able to instantly generate high commission shoppable collections for any design board you create in DesignFiles.

Here’s how it works:

  • When you connect your SideDoor account to your DesignFiles account you’ll get instant access to the entire SideDoor product library directly within DesignFiles
  • You can use these products to create design boards and instantly generate the shoppable collection for that design on your SideDoor account. 
  • Then just invite your client to review the designs and shop the look and you earn an average of 30% on every order.
  • Once the orders are placed, SideDoor steps in and does all the heavy lifting for you.

Want to see it in action? Watch the video below.

Already have a SideDoor account OR want to create a free one to use this integration? Click here.

Is the DesignFiles/SideDoor integration the right fit for you

Currently, SideDoor is only available to customers in the US, so your clients will need to be in one of the 50 states.

This integration is a perfect fit for designers who…

  • Want to scale back (or even eliminate) managing product orders.
  • Already let clients shop the look themselves, and want to earn higher commissions than what they are getting with standard affiliate links.
  • Are looking to generate additional revenue by creating shoppable content that can be shared with their following. 

There’s no cost to create a SideDoor account but you will need to provide a resale certificate or some other proof of your business to be accepted into the platform. You can learn more about that here.

Once accepted, you can connect your SideDoor account with your DesignFiles account. This will give you instant access to the complete SideDoor product library within your DF account and allow you to instantly generate shoppable collections for every design you create. 

Smart ways to earn 30% commissions on your designs

Here are some tips on maximizing your payouts:

Client projects

Potential client's design

If you’re familiar with using standard affiliate networks like Sovrn, LTK or you’ll know that you typically earn 2%-7% commissions from these affiliate links. 

Additionally if you’re sourcing from a variety of different vendors it means your client can’t checkout all at once. They have to go to each online store to buy all the products. 

If you want to make the checkout process super convenient for your client and ensure you maximize your earnings you can choose to source all items for your designs from the 200,000 SideDoor trade products that are now available in DesignFiles. 

NOTE: If you prefer, you can still create designs that include products from various sources. For these cases you offer a shoppable link or you can choose to manage the orders on behalf of your client.

Monetizing social content

Working directly with clients isn’t the only way to make money in your design business. More and more designers are taking advantage of their influencer status to earn from the content they share on social media and through their website and blogs.

Need some ideas for great content that you can share and monetize from?:

  • Trend boards
  • Top choices for a product (brass faucets, art deco mirrors, etc.)
  • Holiday or seasonal recommendations
  • Accessory boards with items that go well together
  • Themes that match your unique brand
Top 12 favourite bathroom faucets

Image example from Palm Beach Lately

Ready to give our new SideDoor integration a try?

Already have a SideDoor account OR want to create a free one to use this integration? Click here.

We’re so excited for you to easily reap the benefits of fully managed ordering alongside high commissions.

If you have any questions about the integration, just log in to your DesignFiles account and hit us up in the chat!

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