Free Interior Design Client Questionnaire Template

Your client questionnaire is arguably the most crucial step in your design process. 

This key set of questions lays the groundwork for everything that follows, from your initial design concept straight through to the big reveal. Asking the right questions enables you to immediately align with your client, which in turn, reduces the need for major revisions down the line, and ensures every aspect of your project unfolds as smoothly as possible. 

Plus, having all your clients’ responses down in writing is invaluable, especially if you need to refer back later on. 

Not sure what questions to ask? No problem. Let’s get your process airtight right now.

Why you need a client questionnaire as an interior designer

Sending a questionnaire to each of your clients offers a lot of benefits.

Here are some of the main reasons why a questionnaire should be part of your design project management process.

  • Comprehensiveness – You can be sure to cover all of your bases. Ask clients what they dislike about their current space, their color preferences, whether they’ll be working with a contractor or architect, and everything you need to know to start your project off on the right foot. 
  • Consistency – When you utilize a questionnaire template, you eliminate the risk of forgetting to ask important questions during client meetings.
  • Time Savings – Instead of spending hours chatting with your clients about basic details, you can give them a questionnaire that will only take them about five minutes to fill out. Then, in future conversations or emails, you can ask clarifying questions and dig deeper into their responses, especially the ones about their dislikes and preferences. 
  • Customization – If you want to add a special question for a unique client project, you can use interior design software like DesignFiles, to quickly edit and customize done-for-you questionnaire templates or create your own from scratch. . 

Free interactive questionnaire template!

To help you out, we created a free interior design questionnaire template so you can get all of the essential questions in one easy-to-use template.

What I love about this questionnaire template is just how detailed it is.

It covers all the must-have questions that will help you truly understand the overall scope of the project as well as WHO your client is and HOW they intend to use the space (which is equally as important).

If you would love to have a digital version of this questionnaire that you can brand to your business and fully customize, then create your free DesignFiles account. You’ll get access to this questionnaire and two other done-for-you questionnaire templates for eDesign projects and Kitchen Projects, alongside our full suite of project management tools so you have everything in one place. 

What to include in your interior design questionnaire for clients

Wondering what to put in your design questionnaire for residential clients?

Here’s an essential checklist for what to include:

  1. General client information (name and contact details)
  2. What are the spaces that you want designed?
  3. What is the nature of the project?
  4. Will I be collaborating with an architect and/or contractor?
  5. What do you dislike most about your current space?
  6. Can you provide the names and ages of those who will be using the space?
  7. What do you currently use the space for?
  8. Are there specific hobbies that need to be factored into the designs?
  9. Are there any special needs that need to be taken into account?
  10. Do you have pets?
  11. Are there any existing items or sentimental pieces you wish to keep?
  12. What is your preferred time frame for having this project complete?
  13. What is your budget for this project?
  14. What is your preferred design style?
  15. Do you have any inspirational images you can share?
  16. What words would best describe the ideal mood of your home?
  17. What are your favorite stores for furniture and decor?
  18. What are your color preferences, if any?
  19. Are there any colors, patterns, fabrics, or finishes you dislike?
  20. Do you wish to receive our newsletter and receive exclusive deals and design inspiration?
  21. How did you hear about us?
  22. Any final notes for your design to consider?

You can get all of these questions in one easy-to-use interactive template that your clients can fill out. Go ahead and download our design questionnaire template and start using it to kick projects off on the right foot. 

FAQs on interior design client questionnaires

Let’s dive deeper into some best practices when using client questionnaires.

Which format works best for interior design client questionnaires?

The ideal format for an interior design questionnaire for clients is digital. To make it super easy and convenient for them, use the questionnaire feature of your interior design software, like DesignFiles. This way, clients can sign your contract, pay your invoice, and fill out your questionnaire all within one portal branded to your business.

And, when it comes time to share your design, you can use the same platform to collect their feedback, review product approvals, and place orders.

If you’re not using an all-in-one platform like DesignFiles to manage client work, you could send your questionnaire using a free survey tool like Google Forms or Typeform.

When should I send the questionnaire to my client?

The ideal time to send your design questionnaire is when you ask your client to book a time for their design consultation. Include the link for your design questionnaire in the email and let them know that you will need them to submit the design questionnaire no later than 48 hours prior to the design consultation.

How can I get clients to fill out the questionnaire completely?

Let them know that in order for you to be fully prepared for their design consultation you ask that they take the time to fill out the design questionnaire and submit it to you 48 hours prior to the meeting. Let them know this will give you the time you need to review their responses and get a very clear understanding of their specific needs and wants for the project so you can make the most of your time together during the consultation. If you charge for your consultations, this should be a good motivator for your client to get that questionnaire over to you on time.

To manage client questionnaires, design feedback, and more in one place, start a free trial of DesignFiles.

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