5 Questions to Ask Interior Design Clients Before You Accept the Job

Finding new clients is always exciting, especially for new designers trying to build their business. However, identifying the right client isn’t just about design compatibility. It’s about ensuring an effective working relationship. Knowing what red flags to look for can save you  time, effort, and potential complications. 

Here are essential questions interior designs should ask clients to determine if they are the right fit—or a potential headache.

1. What are your expectations for communication and involvement?

You need your clients to trust your process. If a client expects constant communication or wants to be excessively involved, it might indicate micromanagement tendencies, which can hinder the design process. When a client constantly demands your time and attention, you can’t meet the needs of your other clients. Micromanagers tend to question your judgment, making it impossible to get approval. 

Tip: Set boundaries by explaining your process and the communication tools you use to obtain approvals and feedback. If they demand more, they might not be the right client for you. 

2. Have you worked with an interior designer before? If so, what was your experience like?

Their past experiences can give insights into potential issues. A history of frequent dissatisfaction or conflicts can be a red flag. The problem with this question is that it can be harder to get an honest answer. If the prospect seems uncomfortable when you ask about past projects, this could be a sign they’ve had issues with designers. You might be stepping into a situation where nothing is good enough, and collecting payment will be a problem. These clients also increase the risk of bad reviews that can damage your reputation. 

Tip: When your gut tells you something isn’t quite right, let them know then and there that you’re not the right fit for their project.  

3. Are there other stakeholders or decision-makers involved?

Multiple decision-makers can complicate the approval process, leading to potential conflicts or prolonged project timelines. It just takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch, which can lead to endless headaches, taking one step forward and three back for every decision made!

Tip: Ask if it’s possible to meet with everyone involved to ensure you feel comfortable working with the entire “team” of decision-makers.  

4. What’s your timeline for project completion?

Unrealistically tight timelines can indicate impatience or a lack of understanding about the design process. It also puts you in an impossible situation that leads to unnecessary stress and interferes with your ability to deliver your best work. This can put your reputation on the line. 

Tip: Take this time to educate new clients. Share your typical timeline for similar projects to help new clients understand what is realistically doable. They can decide if it works or doesn’t. 

5. What’s the main goal of this project?

A client’s inability to articulate their primary goal might signal unclear expectations or a lack of direction. This can lead to wishy-washy client oversight, dissatisfaction, and delays when decisions can’t be made. 

Tip: These clients aren’t necessarily headaches. They might just need guidance. In this case, you need to lead the charge to gain more insights. For example, if designing a single room, start by asking if the room has a sole purpose, or if they want it to be used for multiple activities. From there, you can ask further questions to help bring more clarity, such as:

  • What does your family normally do in this room?
  • Do I need to factor in any hobbies or activities that members of your family do within this space?
  • What do you love about the current design/space?
  • What about the current design doesn’t work for you and your family? 

It’s never easy to pass on a project that can increase your earnings. However, these questions can help you weed out the time wasters and headaches that ultimately negatively impact your bottom line. 

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