Facebook Ads for Interior Designers: Best Ad Types & Tips

With over 3 billion people on Facebook and 1.4 billion on Instagram, these two apps are absolute gold mines for interior designers looking to advertise! And the best part? You can manage ads for both platforms through Facebook Ads Manager, making it super easy to get in front of a huge audience. 

Plus, Facebook and Instagram offer some of the most accurate targeting options out there. You can reach your ideal clients based on personal interests, income, net worth, age, location, and even details like whether they have kids at home. 

So, whether you’re a local designer handling full-service projects or you’ve got a niche virtual design biz specializing in nurseries or home offices, you’ve got the tools to zero in on the perfect clients.

But here’s the catch…running Facebook ads isn’t as easy as hitting the “Boost” button. There are a ton of pitfalls that can trip you up along the way. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you avoid the mistakes and set up campaigns that actually work for your design business.

Do Facebook ads work for interior designers?

Yes, Facebook ads can work very well for interior designers if set up correctly. The key to success is creating a strategic campaign that includes a well-designed landing page, an email funnel, and precise targeting. Many designers make the mistake of running ads directly to their website without establishing a conversion-focused funnel, which often results in wasted ad spend. However, if you take the time to build a proper funnel and focus on generating leads and conversions, Facebook ads can be a highly effective tool for attracting clients and growing your interior design business.

To streamline this process, you can use platforms like DesignFiles, which offers integrated marketing tools, branded email templates, and custom links to promote your services on social media. This helps you capture leads efficiently and organize all your marketing efforts in one place​.

What types of Facebook ads perform best for interior design firms?

Video ads

Video ads are excellent for showcasing transformations and creating a personal connection by showing your face and personality. They allow you to tell a story, highlight before-and-after projects, and bring your brand to life.

  • Pros: Highly engaging, great for building brand awareness, and can showcase your personality.
  • Cons: More expensive, requires a higher investment, and best for when you’ve already had success with other ad types.

Carousel posts with portfolio pieces

Carousel ads are perfect for displaying multiple portfolio pieces, allowing you to showcase different projects or services in a way that feels natural to Facebook users. They’re not commonly used by interior designers, which helps your ads stand out.

  • Pros: Great for displaying a variety of work, offers a more interactive experience, and looks native to Facebook.
  • Cons: Requires high-quality images and may take more time to set up.

Single image ads

Single image ads are straightforward and can be very effective when designed correctly. This type of ad works well to showcase a stunning design project or promote a specific service.

  • Pros: Easy to create, cost-effective, and great for grabbing attention quickly.
  • Cons: Limited space to tell a story, and not as engaging as video or carousel ads.

Google ads versus Facebook ads

“Most Facebook users aren’t ready to buy anything yet. They came to Facebook for fun, social interaction, and information exchange,” says Jason Lockhart, the CEO of Kitchen & Bath Marketing, a marketing agency for interior designers and home renovation companies.

While Facebook ads can be effective, Google Ads allow you to reach people actively searching for interior design services. This means you’re more likely to connect with individuals who are ready to hire. Many interior designers run ads to their homepage, which often isn’t optimized for conversions. By using a high-converting landing page with Google Ads, you can capture email addresses and follow up with potential leads, giving you a competitive advantage over others in your industry.

7 best practices when running a Facebook ad campaign for your design business

To excel with Facebook ads, follow these best practices.

1. Drive traffic to a landing page, not your website

Instead of sending people to your website, direct your Facebook ad traffic to a dedicated landing page with one clear action for visitors to take. A landing page is designed to capture email addresses from those interested in your services. Consider offering a valuable incentive, such as a free guide on “How to Hire an Interior Designer,” “Questions to Ask an Interior Designer,” or a complimentary consultation. This approach increases the chances of converting ad clicks into valuable leads for your interior design business.

2. Showcase your portfolio on the landing page

Including your portfolio on the landing page is a great way to establish trust and credibility. When potential clients can immediately see the quality of your work, they’ll be more likely to fill out the form, whether it’s to download a guide or schedule a consultation. Visual proof of your design skills can be a powerful motivator for turning visitors into leads.

3. Use retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are a highly effective way to re-engage potential clients who have already visited your website but didn’t take action. By setting up a specific retargeting campaign, you can stay top-of-mind and increase the chances of converting those visitors into leads or clients. This is a great way to keep your services in front of people who have already shown an interest in your work.

4. Create a swipe file for inspiration

One helpful tip is to create a swipe file of ads that inspire you. Whenever you come across a Facebook or Instagram ad that catches your eye, take a screenshot and save it to your swipe file. This collection will serve as a valuable resource when you’re brainstorming ideas for your own ads, helping you develop more engaging and effective campaigns over time.

5. Set up an automated email sequence

Once someone fills out your landing page form, set up an automated email sequence to nurture those leads. Providing valuable content through a series of emails helps build trust and keeps your design services top-of-mind. This is a crucial step in turning leads into paying clients, as it allows you to continue the conversation and showcase your expertise.

6. Get your targeting right

The success of your Facebook ad campaign heavily depends on targeting the right audience. If you’re a full-service designer, use location-based targeting combined with net worth and income data to reach potential clients in your area who can afford your services. If you’re an e-design or virtual designer, layer interest-based targeting with net worth and income information to reach those actively searching for interior design services. Adjust your targeting strategy based on your services to ensure you’re reaching the right people.

7. Try running ads to your Facebook page

Lockhart recommends that interior designers who are serious about growing their Facebook page invest in paid advertising. “You can get your page noticed by investing a small amount of money ($10 per day) to promote your page. Without properly promoting your business page you likely won’t get noticed. When you promote your business page using Facebook Ads, it shouldn’t sound like you’re pitching Facebook users with a blatant sales page,” says Lockhart. 

Instead, your ads should invite them to come explore your free content. He recommends running ads directly to your business page, rather than your website, to grow your audience. “If you use your page as your landing page in your Facebook Ads, then more new visitors will come to your page because they perceive your ad not as a sales page, but as an interesting page that they want to explore.” If you use this strategy, make sure to target the right people. You can target Facebook users by location, estimated net worth, interests, and more.  

With Facebook pages often going viral for attractive design photos, this is a winning strategy that is easy and affordable to implement.

By following these best practices, you’ll be well-equipped to create Facebook ad campaigns that generate leads, build your email list, and ultimately drive more business to your interior design firm.

Ready to grow your business? Get started on the right foundation with DesignFiles, the top-rated interior design platform. 

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